World Wide Wellbeing
World Wide Wellbeing Challenge
The wellbeing of a country’s citizens drives everything important: physical, mental, and fiscal. We know you are committed to the ideals of wellbeing and want to see it advanced around the globe. WWW is working to catalyze a wellbeing movement producing measurable wellbeing for selected regions across the world. We would like to meet with you to discuss how this effort can become a key initiative helping your organization meet its objectives of improving workforce and community health, enhancing productivity while lowering health care costs for your clients. Working with a select set of partners we
will identify regions ready for such a challenge and map-out and measure population health strategies that rely on your organizations proven products and services. To ensure we meet our objectives our dashboard may be measuring per capita medical savings and improved workforce productivity for example. The key learning’s and innovations produced will be used to advance and celebrate improved world wide wellbeing in a series of regional meetings that showcase global innovators such as yourself.
The WWW Challenge is at a crossroads and needs your intellectual, experiential and financial support. A great deal of work and research has already taken place (see addendum for details on research and planning). We want to have you on board to help us develop and deploy our strategic business plan over the next 12 months (see addendum for details on financial support and work plan) Our intention is to The World Wide Wellbeing Challenge (WWWC) will introduce wellbeing to the global stage and invite
collaboration among diverse interests believing they can contribute to breakthrough improvements to the wellbeing of all citizens. Over the next 12 months we will work with our supporters to fully develop our business plan, conduct additional research and create a documentary that illustrates our vision.
Success to us is demonstrating the power of wellbeing defined as: a collective activity (people helping one another), using proven measurable techniques to improve health, working across private and public sectors to enable sustainable improvement in wellbeing. To capture the power of this vision a short film documentary similar to American Blackout (see addendum for details) will be produced to help visualize
the outcomes expected (and measured) from the transformation.
Audacious Ideas to Impactful Action
In our initial stage, the Global Knowledge Exchange Network (GKEN) and Samueli Institute (SI) recently convened thought leaders from notable multinational corporations, academic experts, research and policy experts, the world’s leading polling organization, and leaders who have worked at the United Nations, WHO and the World Bank to explore how to accomplish this WWW Challenge (see addendum for details). Areas of agreement included anchoring to existing successful wellbeing frameworks like OECD’s Better Life and measurement instruments like Gallup’s Global Performance Indices. The dialogue produced three essential cornerstones requiring additional development at the second stage.
- involving citizens to contribute and create a bottom-up movement via storytelling,
- using collective impact Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work
as a proven approach to address this large scale social opportunity, and
- Leveraging private and public resources to develop needed programming that actually drives improved wellbeing at individual, community, country and global levels.
We believe an essential part of wellbeing is celebrating success. Expect the use of successful models like Lead in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification and incentive-based efforts like the X-Prize. The WWW Challenge is not a “winner takes all” scenario. Multi-levels of success will be awarded for improved wellbeing across all metric domains of our framework. Stakeholder organizations providing vital funding support will be exposed to an unprecedented degree of innovations and afforded
first mover status with all future communications. In addition to the most prominent and expected organizations, we believe this bold work will also utilize the expertise from a unique set of organizations/industries such as entertainment, social entrepreneurial, and high-tech. A detailed strategic plan and supporting work plans, timelines and deliverables will be produced as the next We are seeking to add the right people our team and would like to meet with you to discuss your involvement. We want to advance and measure the impact of improved wellbeing throughout regions and communities across the world. We hope and trust you are curious to learn more. For more information contact Jon Comola Global Knowledge Exchange Network (jrcomola@wrgh.org) or WWW
Co-Founder Chris McSwain (cm.mcswain@hotmail.com).
Thank you.
Jon Comola and Chris McSwain Co-founders
Click here for bios.
Click here for more information on organizational structure and an invitation to April 2015 meeting
See addendum below for additional research
The Challenge:
The WWW Challenge will attract and inspire strategic partnerships, work across public and private sectors, and engage business and social enterprises and NGO’s to develop and deploy sustainable and replicable solutions at the community, country and global levels. Moreover the advancement of a wellbeing movement will change the hearts and minds of people, how they see themselves and the world around them optimizing every human being potential!
WWW Environmental scan and due diligence research conducted to date:
Foundational Document
Whole System Frameworks
Creating Wellbeing Slides
Derek Reference
Research Large Scale Wellbeing
Research Regarding Development of Wellbeing on a Large Scale
Measure What Matters Report
Healthways Blue Zones Value Brief
May 2014 Pre Read Documents
OECD and Gallup research methodologies
Research OECD and Gallup
Spreading the Word —
In addition to the traditional means of sharing knowledge via press releases, feature articles, speakers’bureaus and social media, a documentary series will be produced to chronicle our efforts and engage the public. Similar to how American Blackout visually illustrated the demise of society due to an attack on the power grid, ours will encompass our process and predict how life COULD BE based on a healthier world. We will not only arm participating countries with video cameras and distinct direction — but also
disperse a film crew to capture footage worldwide. The resulting production will be negotiated with a major channel for public consumption. An additional website will be created as a “news” station with frontline desk reporters, field reporters and a ticker of years one through five showing increase in worldwide revenue based on the decline of monitored healthcare/disease variables. Both mediums will acknowledge the inspired strategic partnerships — working across sectors, and engaging industry and NGO’s to develop solutions at the community, country and global levels.