Texas Water Roundtable
Texas is at a crossroads in how we manage our water resources. Texans have been engaged for decades in water planning in a variety of ways at the state, regional, and local levels. These efforts have been extensive and valuable in many respects, but basic questions about how we manage our water and to what ends still await answers. A statewide consensus about how best to manage our water resources has not yet been reached.
Wye River Group with the active support of Texas leadership launched the Texas Roundtable on Water. This initiative is designed to bring disparate stakeholders together to discuss how the State of Texas will address this critical issue in the coming legislative sessions and beyond. Please refer to the list of supporters for more detail on the diversity of our Delegates.
Today this diverse group of thought leaders has produced consensus building recommendations endorsed by more than 35 organizations. To review the abbreviated recommendations with endorsers (click here) and for more detailed review with a narrative (click here). The recommendations focus on the making of a consensus on key issues:
- Surface Water and Groundwater Management
- Data Gaps and Research Needs
- New Technologies
- Optimizing the State Water Plan
- Environmental Flows
- Conservation and Drought Response
- Land and Watershed Stewardship
- Education and Public Outreach
The Texas Water Roundtable is producing a five part educational films series follow this link to a trailer (and use the pass code WATER). Water significantly impacts the health of all industries of our economy: business, construction, agriculture, oil and gas, fish and wildlife, tourism, and recreation to name a few.
The Delegates of the Texas Water Roundtable released their first set recommendations in 2015 and continue to be refined to reflect trends and the state’s needs. We invite you to get involved and support this important work. For more information contact: Jon Comola jrcomola@wrgh.org, or visit wrgh.org/TLR_Water.asp to donate.
About Wye River Group WRG: WRG is a not for profit 501 c-3 organization based in Washington, DC. It has operated for 19 years as a well respected catalyst bringing disparate stakeholders together to develop and advance consensus on important public policy issues.
Sponsored by:
- South Central Water Company
- Costello Engineering and Survey
- San Jacinto River Authority
- Alan Plummer and Associates
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, Honorable Doc
- Ashby, Honorable Trent
- Associated Builders and Contractors
- Austin Board of REALTORS
- Austin White Lime
- Bailey, Malcolm
- Baker, Carole
- Brown and Gay
- Burke, John
- Callegari, Honorable Bill
- Camp, Crockett
- Carollo Engineers, Inc.
- CH2M
- Central Texas Water Coalition
- City of Brownwood
- City of Waco
- Costello Engineering and Survey
- Dannenbaum Corporation
- DOW Chemical
- Eaton, Dave
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- Espey, Bill
- Fazio, Elizabeth
- Halff Associates
- Hebert, Honorable Robert
- Hegar, Honorable Glenn
- Hill Country Alliance
- Hixon, Tim
- Howe, Bill
- Huston, Robert
- Hydrohoist Marine Group Inc.
- James, Jerry
- KG Strategies/Kinnan Golemon
- King, Luther Jr.
- King, Robert
- Kramer, Ken
- Labatt, Weir
- Larson, Honorable Lyle
- Lemonds, Michael
- Lucio, Honorable Eddie III
- Mace, Robert
- Mazur, Jeremy
- McKinney, Daene
- Mullinax, Ronnie
- National Wildlife Federation
- Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District
- Patterson, Honorable Jerry
- Pedersen, Craig
- Potts, Robert
- Ritter, Honorable Allan
- RPS Klotz Associates
- San Jacinto River Authority
- Schwartz, Suzanne
- Sierra Club Texas Chapter
- South Central Water Company
- Summerlin, Mary Ellen
- Swoboda, Melvin
- Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts
- Texas Water Resources Institute Texas A&M
- Varma, Ashok
- Wimberley Valley Watershed Association
- Wye River Group