Texas Alliance for Health Care Introduction
The Texas Alliance for Health Care was created as a resource to lawmakers in anticipation of changes in the Affordable Care Act. We are a diversified group of stakeholders from private and public sectors representing hospitals, health plans, philanthropy, community clinics, providers, business, and public health. Our goal is to provide well thought out research that will inform and offer guidance as to the impact of proposed changes in the finance and delivery of health care in Texas. For more Information contact: Jon Comola email: jrcomola@wrgh.org Tel: 512 695 8806
Working with Dr Mark McClellan and Applied Policy we commissioned original research on the impact of uninsured on the Texas' economy. Click here to see report.
We have commissioned Manatt to research the impact of block grants and caps on the Texas health care System. Click here to read the report.
The Texas Alliance for Health Care has also prepared a state of our principles that guide our work. Click here to read the our principles.
Texas Alliance for Health Care Delegates
- Center for Health Care Services
- Community Health Choice
- Cook’s Children’s Health Plan
- Center for Public Policy Priorities
- Driscoll Children’s Health Plan
- Episcopal Health Foundation
- First Care Health Plans
- Harris Health System
- Health Policy Institute, Texas Medical Center
- Houston Endowment
- Texas Impact
- Methodist Health Care Ministries of South Texas
- Texas Association of Community Health Plans
- Texas Association of Community Health Centers
- Texas Association of Business
- Texas Hospital Association
- Texas Medical Association
- Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals
- Young Invincibles
Texas Leadership Roundtable Introduction
Texas is at a cross roads with rising health care costs. The bulk of Texas state spending 41% is on health. These expenditures flow primarily into Medicaid, but also include the Children’s health insurance program and some public hospital funding. Health outlays have expanded rapidly in recent years. As late as 2007 health and education spending were roughly equal but, by 2013 health has grown 20% larger than education. Yet Texas ranks last in the proportion of it residents with some form of health insurance coverage. Part of this is driven by the state’s large undocumented population but part of it also results from the exceptionally low income level at which Medicaid eligibility is cut off in Texas, just 20% of the federally poverty line, the second lowest cutoff in the nation.
The Roundtables Delegates are acutely aware of these facts and have been working to develop sustainable long term solutions to these problems. The Roundtable has released a forward thinking set of recommendations (click here for quick reference recommendations). The Delegates of the Roundtable have worked to find consensus solutions that can be advanced to make system improvements in Texas.
Follow the links below to learn more.
Wye River Group with the active support of legislative leadership launched the Texas Roundtable on Health Care. The purpose of this effort is to provide the state with information on health and healthcare related practices that can inform public policy development and improve state health programs. The state of Texas HHSC, ERS and TRS enterprises are faced with critical challenges as demand for public services continue to grow while economic, political and fiscal considerations make it necessary to attain maximum efficiency and effectiveness of expenditures in this significant area of taxpayer investment. The WRG process is designed to stimulate innovative thinking that leads to practical recommendations for programs and public policy enhancements.
Roundtable and Alliance Delegates:
- American Heart Association
- American Hospital Association
- Capstone
- Center for Health Care Services
- Community Cares
- Community Health Plans
- Cook’s Children’s Health Plan
- Texas Council of Community Centers
- Delta Sigma, LLC
- Driscoll Children’s Health Plan
- Episcopal Health
- First Care Health Plans
- Harris County Health Care Alliance
- Harris Health
- Health Innovations, LLC
- Healthways
- Houston Endowment
- Lone Star Circle of Care
- Lucas, Travis
- Methodist Health
- Outreach Health Services, Inc
- Optum
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
- Pearson, David
- Physician Assistant Political Alliance
- Rago, Bill
- Scott and White Health Plan
- Texas Association of Health Plans
- Texas Health Resources
- Texas Hospital Association
- Texas Medical Association
- Texas Star Alliance
- Wellmed Medical Management
- Young Invincibles